Frequently asked questions

Is drinking permitted on Limo Atlanta vehicles?

Yes. We allow alcohol consumption on all of our vehicles, provided passengers are of legal drinking age. Keep in mind, that it is BYOB, we cannot provide alcohol for you.

What types of payment does Limo Atlanta accept?

We accept credit cards, debit cards as well as certified checks and money orders.

How far in advance should I make my reservation?

We accept reservations up until the day of a run. However, many of our most popular vehicles get booked weeks and often months in advance, so try to place your reservation as far in advance as possible to ensure that the vehicle you want is available. This is especially true during our peak seasons.

Can the reservation be canceled?

The reservation cannot be canceled. We will remind you before you finalize your reservation to make sure it's absolutely what you want. You cannot switch the date of your reservation but depending on availability, you might be able to change the time or vehicle.

What if we want to stay longer?

If you want to stay longer than your reserved time, that's fine. We understand that sometimes you don't want the party to end. You won't be charged a crazy fee for going over your time. You are simply charged your normal rate, divided in 15 minute increments so that you don't pay for more than you use. For example, your rate is $100 an hour and you stay over 30 minutes. You'll be charged an additional $50.

Do we tip the drivers?

You do not have to tip the drivers but its greatly appreciated. We say if you liked the service, tip them, if not, don't tip them. It's all up to you. Our drivers get tipped around $50-100 when they are tipped.

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